
188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 established The 职业治疗科 (OT) in 1982. It is the second oldest OT program in the State of Illinois. 我们的使命是 to train a diverse student body and produce competent occupational therapists and prepare graduates with the skills to meet client needs within rapidly changing service 运载系统.

Occupational therapists are health professionals that provide service to those with 受损的能力. Occupational therapists work with people impacted by injury, illness, 发育问题或衰老. 损伤可能是身体上的、精神上的或认知上的. Practitioners deliver services in many different settings, ranging from private practice 到医院. Job opportunities include roles as practitioners, consultants, educators, 管理者、研究人员和倡导者.预测职业治疗师的就业情况 to grow 17 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations.*

*美国劳工统计局.S. 部门. 的劳动,职业展望手册,职业治疗师
(访问 2022年7月16日).

Get more information about the department offerings by attending one of our 每月介绍会.



The 职业治疗 Program is accredited by the 认证 Council for Occupational Therapy 教育 of the American 职业治疗 Association. 这个部门 提供两个学位:

  • A combined Bachelor of Science in 健康科学 and Master in 职业治疗 程序(BS /年检)
  • 职业治疗硕士(MOT)

In the undergraduate combined program, students complete the senior year of their baccalaureate program within our professional program, then enter the graduate program.  Our traditional graduate program is designed for students who have already earned 学士学位. 在任何一个项目成功结束后,毕业生 获得职业治疗硕士学位.课程包括实地考察 experiences for students to apply the concepts that they learn in the classroom under 对教员或临床医生的监督.





(301) 652-6611

网站: http://www.acoteonline.org



许可 & 认证

研究生s are eligible to take the national certification examination for occupational therapists, administered by the National Board for 认证 in 职业治疗 (NBCOT). After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be an Occupational 注册治疗师(OTR®).

Illinois and most other states also require licensure to practice. 国家许可 are often based on the results of NBCOT's certification examination. 重罪定罪 may affect a graduate's ability to sit for the NBCOT examination and/or their ability 获得州执照.

For more information about how our graduates perform, look up 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址’s 认证考试成绩



The following are outcomes for students enrolled in both our combined BS/MOT and MOT 计划从2020年到2022年. 课程的设计是为了让学生坚持 full time status can complete all program requirements within 3 years.

我们的课程也有兼职的灵活性. 学生可以改变他们的 从全职到兼职的任何时间. 继续兼职的学生 轨迹反映在毕业生总数列中.


毕业一年 学生
2020 24/34 64.7%  
2021 20/28 70.4%  
2022 19/21 90% 1名学生仍在学习
2023 12/23 N/A 1名学生仍在学习
(2020 - 2022)
63/83 75.9%  


NBCOT 认证考试结果


The 职业治疗科 at 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 started in 1982 在她的领导下. 水性哈蒙. 第一批四名学生毕业了 in 1984. CSU ‘s program is the second oldest OT program in the State of Illinois. The 职业治疗科 provided an undergraduate degree in Occupational 治疗21年. In 2003, the 职业治疗科 received approval for a combined Bachelor of Science in 健康科学 and Master in 职业治疗 程序(BS /年检). The first class entered the new entry level Master of Occupational Therapy professional program in the fall semester of 2004. 我们的许多校友都是 in leadership positions at various levels in Illinois and elsewhere.


The Mission of the 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 职业治疗 Program is to prepare a diverse student body to become competent occupational therapists who are skilled in and effective at meeting the needs of clients within rapidly changing service delivery 系统. The program is designed to provide a transformative educational experience that develops entry-level therapists who possess foundational skills in the principles 职业治疗专业. 我们努力培养能展示自己的毕业生 the ability to integrate knowledge into practice while using evidence, critical thinking, and reflective abilities necessary to take on a variety of roles (i.e.从业者, consultant, educator, manager, researcher and advocate) within traditional and emerging 服务提供系统.


  • 每年秋季 & Spring semester of the professional program includes fieldwork experiences that provide apprenticeship experiences in which students apply the concepts that they learn in the classroom in authentic settings under the supervision of faculty 或者执业临床医生.
  • 我水平 & II fieldwork experiences provide experiences in a wide variety of settings with individuals who are well and those with a wide range of health conditions and 残疾的人.
  • The professional curriculum is designed to help students develop the reasoning skills 有必要成为足智多谋的专业人士.
  • 这个部门 is committed to helping students develop the skills necessary to continue 终身学习的过程.
  • Small student-faculty ratio allows close contact between students and faculty.
  • 教师 are committed to teaching and provide diverse, active learning experiences 课堂内外.
  • 学生 participate in collaborative applied research with faculty members.
  • The diversity of the student population enriches classroom experiences.
  • 教育al experiences are enriched by faculty's involvement in current clinical 实践与研究.
  • 科罗拉多州立大学致力于保持可负担的学费.



目前的成本 2023-
学费 11,866 10,819 6,282 28,967
强制性的费用 3,797 3,627 2,106 9,530
OT项目费用 5,950 5,425 3,150 14,525
书籍及用品 2,400 2,400 500 5,300
健康保险 1,666 1,666 1,666 4,998
运输/给 2,800 2,800 3,800 9,400
总计 $28,479 $26,737 $17,504 $72,720

职业治疗硕士项目费用 (Effective Fall 2024)

目前的成本 2024-
学费 13,262 10,121 23,383
强制性的费用 4,446 3,393 7,839
OT项目费用 6,650 5,075 11,725
书籍及用品 2,000 1,500 3,500
健康保险 1,666 1,666 3,332
运输/给 2,800 3,200 6,000
总计 $30,824 $24,955 $55,779

The 健康保险 plan can be waived with proof of insurance and students can opt-out u型通行证.


